Friday 14 January 2011

Friends and chillaxing

It has been a while since I have posted anything on here entirely because my internet has stopped working and we have to try and get it fixed (which can be a rather long process). Right now I have the privilege of chilling at a chum's house and using her internet. Currently I'm sitting on her sofa watching a random movie in her very warm and cosy flat, after running 12 K this morning down at the Wadi. Enjoyed a lovely meal last night, playing charades with a few others and having an early night. Usually I'd be up for a big party and full on banter but after a very long week i was completely satisfied with a quite night. School has been very busy over the past week and it seems that there have been quite a few people feeling under the weather. I do honestly think that the weather does have a large part to play in the fatigue I've been feeling. It's not quite as cold as the UK obviously but it's not very sunny either. Today has been raining all day and it's been quite chilly. I thought it would be a good opportunity to take some snaps and share a few to make up for the lack of postcards I've shared this week.

There are puddles!! check it out:

I'm pretty glad though that it wasn't raining first thing this morning....the run would not have been as pleasant otherwise.

Tonight I think I might be playing some Cranium (LOVE IT) and then heading to the jazz club in Zamalek (an island in the middle of the Nile about 20 minutes drive away). It will be nice to listen to some live music.

Saturday 8 January 2011

The weekend.

Started off the weekend bright and early yesterday morning as a group of us went on a run (to train for a half marathon in Sharm el Shiekh) at the Waadi. I managed to run 10K without absolutely dying surprisingly. It was so nice to run in such a peaceful place. It is basically a deserted valley with a track that runs 10K long. One day I will be able to run the full length and back, I’ll make sure of it!! It was lovely to feast on a healthy lunch with chums right afterwards and then hang out at Dan’s joint for a brew.
Straight on to church, without getting bombed! It’s been a bit dodgy in Cairo at the mo with it being Coptic Christmas but the security has been on extra alert so the place is probably safer than most of the time. But just to be extra cautious the mes crowd decided not to go out down town and instead went to a few bars in Maadi, where I got to play lots of pool…yay!
Today has been a much more chilled day, hanging out with some friends. I finally bought some art stuff and arranged to buy a guitar off a friend which is great! Walked down Road 233 (round the corner from my flat) and made friends with the local fruit shop owner. Now I'm just watching some planet earth and relaxing before the beginning of a new week of work...

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Drip, drip, drop little april shower...

Wow! It was awesome seeing rain today. It pelted it down at about 4pm while I was sitting in my classroom. That is the first time I've seen it properly rain since I've been here and it was mezmorising. I wish I had my camera with me to capture it (something I definitely do need to get into the habbit of doing!). Me and Irene went for a wee 5 k run on the route outside school and it was the perfect weather for it (as usual) but I think it might have added a little more excitement if we got caught in the middle of it!

Sorry I didn't get managing to post a postcard yesterday but I was absolutely knackered after a first day back at school. Spent the day stressing about the decision of staying or leaving next year. After flipping from one side to the other, I managed to finally make a decision...I'm staying for another year but as long as I can get involved in a dance class! Annd...I did indeed...I've inquired about a breakdance session!! I am very excited hehe!

Well my dears, I'm just going put up a random a photo ...

Monday 3 January 2011

Back to school tomorrow...

Can't believe it's back to school already! It's been really nice to catch up with everyone back here in Cairo. Chilled out with my flatmates and caught up with friends over some dinner. Much of the conversation was about whether people are going to stay an extra year or whether they will go. The thing is for me...I'm dithering AGAIN! Argh we have to make the decision by tomorrow so that should be interesting...
This photo might seem a bit randombut it's just to let you know where my post comes....for if you send me out a wee letter! :p

Sunday 2 January 2011

First Day Back in Cairo

What a productive day...organised my room and started this blog...amazing! Went round the corner to print some photos in the local Kodak shop and found the perfect fruit and veg shop, so went a little over board.

On the way back home spotted this little delivery service but unfortunately no one there to take home my shopping (apart from the constant beeping of taxis but I couldn't really justify getting a taxi for a 2 minute walk).

This is the entrance to my wee home.
It was nice to see some peeps again this evening, chilling out down at the local beer garden. However, I soon realised it's still not really flip flop weather!

Happy New Year...

Well this first entry is a day late so I will give you a double dosage. Happy New Year to everyone! And my new year's resolution is to keep in touch and on top of things alot better. In other words as I like to put it 'organise my life'. I'm starting with this blog. I intend to update it everyday or most days of the week with a wee photo and a short something to share. You'll have to bear with me...I'm not the best writer but maybe with practise the posts might become 'interesting'.

You may be asking...what is this photo all about? This is a key example of how we spend new year's eve hehe. You have to love the 'Shake Face' photos! Happy New Year Lovelies xxxx