Saturday 8 January 2011

The weekend.

Started off the weekend bright and early yesterday morning as a group of us went on a run (to train for a half marathon in Sharm el Shiekh) at the Waadi. I managed to run 10K without absolutely dying surprisingly. It was so nice to run in such a peaceful place. It is basically a deserted valley with a track that runs 10K long. One day I will be able to run the full length and back, I’ll make sure of it!! It was lovely to feast on a healthy lunch with chums right afterwards and then hang out at Dan’s joint for a brew.
Straight on to church, without getting bombed! It’s been a bit dodgy in Cairo at the mo with it being Coptic Christmas but the security has been on extra alert so the place is probably safer than most of the time. But just to be extra cautious the mes crowd decided not to go out down town and instead went to a few bars in Maadi, where I got to play lots of pool…yay!
Today has been a much more chilled day, hanging out with some friends. I finally bought some art stuff and arranged to buy a guitar off a friend which is great! Walked down Road 233 (round the corner from my flat) and made friends with the local fruit shop owner. Now I'm just watching some planet earth and relaxing before the beginning of a new week of work...

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